Suffolk Voluntary and Statutory Partnership  
Suffolk VASP

Please use this form to subscribe to the mailing list for the welcoming Suffolk VASP - Voluntary and Statutory Partnership network. Their is no cost to you for subscribing and your welcome to unsubscribe at any time should you wish to do so.

The Suffolk VASP keeps a register of every subscribers contact details within Mailchimp. To help enable Agendas and Notes from Locality VASP groups to be circulated, the chair/co-chair for each Locality VASP also keep a list of contact details for the people whose area of activity (geographical) falls within their Locality. For the Strategic VASP, for those with a countywide role, the VASP Co-ordinator maintains this list. 

The Privacy statement for the Suffolk VASP is available to view here;
For any information or support your welcome to contact Julia Carr, as the Co-ordinator for the Suffolk VASP, e-mail;

Thank you
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